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  • Writer's pictureSara Maria Prats Luna

Gift Ideas for Tween/Teen Girls


Hello Everyone!

Christmas is just around the corner and with that comes gift-giving and receiving. If you have a tween or teen girl in your life whether she's a daughter or best friend here are some gift ideas that girls will enjoy and use.

1. Rings or Jewelry

I love jewelry and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Not only can you buy them in places like Claire’s but you can also make them for an extra personal touch

2. Sport Equipment

Whether they dance or play volleyball sports equipment is a always great gift. Some ideas include rolling balls, yoga mats, and new sports shoes can be amazing for any sport.

3. Fandom Merch

I know writing this makes me sound like such a teenage girl but, no matter what fandom this girl is in I’m sure she’ll love some merch. From BTS and Blackpink to Percy Jackson and ASOUE there are endless options. Luck for you if this girl loves Percy Jackson, all she needs is some blue pancakes (that can't drown) on Christmas morning.

4. Phone Accessories

Computers and Phones are great gifts anyone will appreciate but, are expensive. The solution: accessories for those devices. Speakers, phone cases, and even a mini-ring light are all great ideas.

5. Books

Now, you may be thinking: " But she's doesn't like reading,". She may not like reading but, there are other kinds of books. Literally, there are BTS books. In 2017 my parents got me 'The Land of Stories for Christmas and I have loved reading ever since. Activity books are another great option.

6. Blankets, Pillows, and other Bed stuff

Anything soft, fluffy, and comfortable is always one of the best gifts you can get. And I'm not just talking about blankets and pillows, I mean plushies, robes, and for the reader a reading pillow.

7. Self-Care stuff

From self-care journals to skincare products any girl would love these gifts. Even as tweens/teens we still want alone-time and some time to wind down. Self-care things help with this especially since the pandemic has caused more anxiety and stress to everyone.

8. Lights

You: "Lights, why though"- yes that is you. LED lights are the best way to transform any room. LED strip lights are really popular right now along with neon light wall decor. To anyone buying this, good luck wrapping it.

9. Subscription Boxes

These are gifts that keep on giving. There are candy, books, and skincare subscription boxes. Personally a Book of the Month subscription, let's just say I have my eye on maybe a few books (4 books).

10. Bags

I don't mean a very fancy bag. Tote bags and shoulder bags are very trendy right now. Considering the fact girl's pants have no pockets, this is an amazing gift.

11. Hair Accessories

This may sound simple, but it's extremely useful. Hair clips specifically not only keep your hair out of your way but, also look cute.


I had to put this, just for fun. If you can find a way to make a character real, this girl will be thanking you every day for the rest of your life. Is this impossible? yes. Do I care? no. In a perfect universe, I would be friends with Albus Potter, Cedric Diggory, and the 7 from Percy Jackson. (the list goes on) Hey! A girl can dream okay.

I hope you got some gift ideas for the Tween/Teen girl in your life.

Merry Christmas!

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