📚 Book Fandoms
Today is April 1st at the time of me writing this. This would be their 44th birthday. Sadly on George will be having a birthday. Fred sadly died during the Battle of Hogwarts. We have seen these kids become successful businessmen and one of them a father. Let's look at their lives for their birthday.
HAHAHA! Happy April Fools! Bold of you to assume I was going to write an entire article about any other Weasley besides Ginny! I love her too much. Speaking of, who wants to see me fix her from the movies. The movies ruined her and in the books she's amazing. Back to the actual article. BTW I left space on the top to trick you!
Hello Everyone!
It is April 1st besides it being April Fool's Day and the Weasley twin's birthday; it's time for a new bullet journal setup.
I'm not lying here everything that I drew was from NazBlogs article on spring journals. Her article is linked below.
Sketching the Setup:
While sketching I wanted to draw some easter eggs. I wanted to add them because of Easter and didn't want to make it all FULL ONE Easter. I realized I didn't use my trackers because I track studying but it isn't essential.
Coloring the Setup:
Remember how I can't find my FAVORITE pens anywhere? It's been a month and still no luck. Maybe Amazon. Anywho, I used my Sharpie S Note Highlighters to add color. I have been obsessed with these markers and I think they are underrated in the Study-Community. Like, Mildliner is amazing, yep that's right.
This coming week I want to try Time-Blocking but, on paper. It's a method of time management and since I have done it online I want to try it on paper. The To-Do list is on the bottom to list taks and then on each day I schedule time to do them.
Final thoughts:
I loved this setup. I used similar colors and almost considered repeating to last year's setup. At the time I didn't post here so unless you want to steal my journal, no one will see. If you are a Harry Potter Fan, I'm sorry. For 2 reasons:
1- Gen Z (my generation, kinda) said we're not cool anymore.
2- It was a sad day for us, trust me.
Weasley Twins Image Credit:
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